Friday, April 26, 2013

102 Dalmatians 2-Pack (Part 1)

The first movie in my collection is actually a double feature. It contains individual discs for each feature. These movies being the live action version of 101 Dalmatians with Glenn Close as DeVil and the sequel 102 Dalmatians.

I'm doing this review about the DVD version.

I was given this box set by my friend Annie who no longer desired it in her collection. Thank you Annie!

After placing the first movie into my player I immediately realize the information printed on the outside of the box has lied to me. It states the movie is presented in a widescreen format, however the truth of that is that it is in widescreen, but formatted for a 1.33 aspect television.

On my widescreen television this means that I now have a black strip on all four sides of the actual image, and the picture is a small image actually filling only about half of my overall screen.

The actual picture quality is nice although slightly grainy, perhaps do to the time and media it was originally captured on. However, it doesn't take away from the enjoyment of the movie in the least.

The disc contains captions and presents them below the picture in the black bar. This is nice in the sense that it doesn't obstruct any portion of the movie.

I normally run my sound system at a volume level of 1, for this movie I had to increase the volume to 2 to get the desired level. The bass level is also slightly low for my taste.

After the years of watching Hugh Laurie play the part of Doctor House, it was refreshing to see him play the role of a somewhat dimwitted henchman.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the show, the character Cruella DeVil desires to obtain Dalmatian puppies to make a long coat and hat from them. A slew of animals aid the parents of the puppies in saving them from would be certain death.

I found the movie to still be entertaining after all these years. I believe the last time I saw the show was about 13 years ago, hopefully it won't be so long before I revisit this movie.

I will not be looking to upgrade to a newer format for this movie, the DVD format with its faults is still adequate.

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